Hackathon: How AXA attracts IT talent with a powerful event

Background & requirements

Axa, a world leader in insurance, recognizes the importance of IT talent in an ever-changing digital environment. To remain competitive and meet today's technological challenges, Axa wants to attract the best IT talent on the market. The growing demand for qualified professionals in this field makes the acquisition of such talent highly competitive.

Axa wants to implement an effective strategy to attract new IT talent and strengthen its brand image with this key demographic. The aim is to become an employer of choice for IT professionals, and to position itself as an innovative and technologically advanced company.


To raise the profile of Axa's employer brand, Excelsior organized a tech event that brought together over 3,000 developers in a multi-session hackathon. The competition sparked the commitment and creativity of the developers, while showcasing their skills and expertise. The event culminated in a grand finale, which brought together the best participants, Axa's strategic partners and renowned speakers. This memorable evening included a prize-giving ceremony for outstanding achievements, and a private concert by an international star, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

Excelsior also implemented a global communications strategy to maximize the event's impact. We obtained extensive media coverage, with the presence of TV media and the participation of the sector's biggest tech influencers. This heightened visibility reinforced Axa's reputation as an innovative and technological company.


Strengthening AXA's market position

Attracting new talent

A unique and exclusive experience