7 marketing ideas to launch in the Metaverse

Would you like to launch your company in the Metaverse?

But you don't know how?

So this article is dedicated to you.

At Excelsior, we keep a close eye on companies launching marketing operations in the Metaverse, and we've selected 7 marketing ideas for you to launch in the Metaverse.

And we've selected 7 marketing ideas for you to launch in the Metaverse.



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By selecting one of these ideas, you'll be able to step into this new immersive world, benefiting from its new opportunities while bringing value to your customers.

Think back to the early days of the Internet...

Some players took the plunge earlier than others...

And became the successful companies we know today.

If the Metaverse is following the same destiny as the Internet, as we believe it is, then getting into the Metaverse now could be an excellent choice.

Before we get started, if you're still not sure what the Metaverse is, we've written a full article about it here.

What's more, we've ranked the best metaverse here.


Now, without further ado, here's the program: 

  • What is the purpose of a marketing operation in the Metaverse?
  • Metaverse marketing idea #1: Create a mini game
  • Metavers marketing idea #2: Create an online store
  • Marketing idea #3: Invest and rent out a virtual real estate plot
  • Marketing idea #4: Recruitment
  • Metaverse marketing idea #5: Team Building in the Metaverse
  • Metaverse marketing idea #6: Host conferences in the Metaverse
  • Metaverse marketing idea #7: Evangelize about your business
  • Conclusion: how can the Metaverse be used in marketing?


What is the purpose of a marketing operation in the Metaverse?


A marketing operation in the Metaverse can have 3 goals.

The first is to create engagement for your brand, products or services, whether real or virtual. It's also about creating engagement in activities such as training, awareness-raising, recruitment, seminars, meetings and workshops.

The second goal is to create links between your brand and your audience. It's also possible for a Metaverse operation to create links within your audience.

The third goal may be gamification. Today, the Metaverse can be compared to a kind of game with avatars. Gaming is part of the human soul. Gamification corresponds to a deep-seated need.

That's why the first idea I'm going to mention is to create a mini-game.


Metaverse marketing idea #1: Create a mini game


In the corporate world, a new type of game is all the rage: the serious game.

It's a game with a serious intention (educational, marketing, ideological...) that uses playful means.

Crédit Agricole, which I supported with Excelsior, proposed a serious game in their virtual HQ so that we could discover their world.

Crypto-currency company Ledger has proposed a game in The Sandbox to educate users about security in crypto.

Ledger owns over 36 virtual plots in the Metaverse The Sandbox and will be offering a number of "play to earn" educational games as part of its Ledgerverse.


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The possibilities for serious gaming are therefore innumerable, and the Metaverse offers a new playground in which to deploy them.


Metavers marketing idea #2: Create an online store

The Statista report for 2021 indicates that 48.5 million French people, or 90% of French internet users, buy online.

In other words, e-commerce has become a way of life.

Now imagine a more immersive Internet, in 3D, where you walk around with your avatar from site to site.

Navigation is via gates that take you to brands such as Adidas, Burberry, Nike, Casino...

You arrive in 3D buildings and place your order live with a company employee, who advises you.

You can buy a physical item like shoes, which you'll receive at home within a few days. But you can also buy virtual counterparts, in the form of NFTs, for your avatar (this is the Direct To Avatar economy afterDirect To Consumer).

This futuristic-looking world is the Metaverse in its final version.

And I sincerely believe that every company will have a virtual HQ in this new world.

Brands like Adidas, Burberry, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Samsung, Louis Vuitton, and banks like HSBC and JP Morgan have already experimented in March 2022.

Together they created the Boson Portal Fashion District , as you can see in the video below:


The idea was to offer a digital space where customers could buy physical products.

Let's move on to the 3rd marketing idea:


Marketing idea #3: Invest and rent out a virtual real estate plot


To get started, you can simply buy and rent a virtual plot of land.

I encourage you to read our article on the 5 mistakes not to make when launching the Metaverse before getting started.

With this terrain, you can then create your own virtual HQ and any other type of experience for your employees or customers.

Companies like metaversegroup have even taken the plunge, positioning themselves to help brands get started in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse Group offers space rental, custom development of virtual buildings, partnerships with virtual brands and NFT projects, and investment on your behalf.

For example, you can visit their headquarters on the Metaverse Decentraland


Marketing idea #4: Recruit in the Metaverse


You can recruit in the Metaverse.

How does it work and what are the benefits?

First, you create a virtual space, for example on Spatial.io.

You can visit our space here .

Then your candidates create an avatar and come and chat with you.

They can come as robots or cowboys.

The candidate is more himself.

What's more, there's less discrimination.


Don't hesitate to make an appointment with us if you'd like to find out more about our recruitment process in the Metaverse.


Metaverse marketing idea #5: Virtual Team Building


Once you have your virtual headquarters, you can organize virtual team-building events.

The idea is to bring your employees together in the same virtual, rather than real, place, while still offering superior interaction to a traditional videoconference, because in the Metaverse, your employees can exchange ideas, play games and interact (almost) in real life, without being in the same real room.

Team-building in the Metaverse can also raise your managers' awareness of tomorrow's technologies and foster a spirit of innovation.

The VR Académie, for example, organizes online escape games with virtual reality headsets. You can also access a virtual space with team games.


Marketing idea #6: Host conferences in the Metaverse


It is now possible to create conferences and even events in the Metaverse.

For example, the Yacht Club de Monaco has launched its own metaverse.

The aim is to make it a tool for exchange and innovation.

At an event at the beginning of the summer, the Yacht Club inaugurated a new space, where participants had the opportunity :

  • walk around a virtual marina,
  • attend remote conferences
  • make business contacts

This tool will enable the Yacht Club de Monaco to extend its influence around the world.

Freed from physical barriers, the Club will organize conferences throughout the year, accessible wherever you are.



Metaverse marketing idea #7: Evangelize about your business


The Metaverse can also help you evangelize your businesses internally.

Employees are often unfamiliar with the company's various entities.

Or they simply don't know each other.

They don't know who to turn to when they have problems.

That's why, with Excelsior, we've recreated the Crédit Agricole HQ.

And we came up with a game on The Sandbox for employees.

In the form of avirtual avatar, employees log on and follow quests by talking to different collaborators.

They learn to move around their building.

All in a fun way.


Conclusion: how can the Metaverse be used in marketing?


You now have 7 ideas for marketing operations to launch in the Metaverse.

How about taking action?

At Excelsior, our expertise begins withthe selection of a virtual terrain in the Metaverse, followed by the construction of a building adapted to your needs, and the development of a customized immersive experience that meets your marketing objectives.

I hope you enjoyed this article,

You can also read our other articles on the Metaverse here.


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