Key skills for working with Web3

The Web3 ecosystem is attracting more and more companies, freelancers and employees looking to work in the sector. And there are plenty of opportunities to work with Web3.

Of course, we're talking about something new and disruptive. So it's not necessarily easy to understand the inner workings of the sector at first glance. Nevertheless, if you make this choice, congratulations! You've invested in your future, as Web3 will become so central to our society.

You're already imagining yourself in your office in the metaverse with virtual reality goggles on your head. But before you get there, you need to know what the key skills are for working in Web3.

In this article, we will discuss the following topics:

  • Curiosity, the number 1 asset for working with Web3
  • Understanding the basics of blockchain and Web3
  • Adapting your expertise to work in Web3
  • Computer programming for developers
  • Training for working with Web3


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Curiosity, the number one asset for working with Web3


Curious people don't always get good press. Sometimes referred to as airheads, or accused of looking into other people's business, the curious have one great quality: the ability to question and learn.

Web3 calls into question almost everything we know. A decentralized world, more or less virtual, using currencies not guaranteed by a central bank - there's clearly an intellectual journey to be made! Curiosity makes it all possible.

Everyone who's become passionate about Web3 has been curious to learn more about the subject. Indeed, and we'll come back to this later, learning about Web3 has long been a solitary affair. We look for articles on the Internet, watch videos on YouTube and read whitepapers.

One person who has become an expert on the subject has spent hours alone learning the basics of Web3 and the changes it can bring to our future.

In short, the first key skill for working with Web3 is to be curious by nature.

Understanding the basics of blockchain and Web3


We're going to reassure you right away: no, you don't need to know all the nuts and bolts of blockchain architecture to work with Web3. It would be a bit like having to understand how the SMTP protocol works when using e-mail.


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For Web3, it's much the same. However, as the sector is new, you still need to understand the technical basics. For example, you need to understand the difference between consensus mechanisms for network security, how a smart contract works and the mechanics behind NFT.

You also know that there are many different protocols with different use cases. So it's essential to know the differences between them and how to interact with decentralized protocols. For example, knowing that Ethereum is the ideal protocol for decentralized applications, while Bitcoin is perfect for monetary use.

So, understanding the basics of blockchain technology has become essential for working in Web3. Indeed, it is blockchain that enables the creation of decentralized applications, tokens, NFTs and smart contracts. Professionals working in Web3 therefore need to understand the technological basics to be able to create innovative projects.

What's more, you mustn't forget that blockchain is a very young sector and is therefore constantly evolving. It's not unusual for one protocol to be technically superseded by another just a few years or even months after its release.

In short, understanding the basics of blockchain is vital for working in Web3. It goes hand in hand with curiosity.

Adapting your expertise to work in Web3


Yes, it's possible to work in Web3 without having to learn a whole new skill. Let's take two examples.

The first is the CFO in Web3 mode. In the jargon, we call him the tokenomist. This is the person who will analyze a project's token issuance, allocation and distribution, to determine whether or not a project is worthwhile. In other words, it's a matter of studying the economic viability of an external project, or of a company's own project. While training in token economics is essential, the analysis models are the same as those used by the CFO.

The second is the computer programmer, and we're devoting a whole paragraph to this because it's so important.

Computer programming for developers


It's possible to work with Web3 as a project manager. However, at some point you'll need developers. Blockchain remains a very IT-related sector, since we need computer code to make the protocols work.

Blockchain developers are therefore in high demand, and if you're already a computer programmer, you can add a Web3 string to your bow. Before you start programming, it's a good idea to choose a particular protocol. Not all protocols use the same programming language.

The best known of all is called Solidity. Created by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of the Polkadot and Kusama protocols, it is the programming language of the Ethereum protocol for smart contracts. It is also possible to code in Vyper, which is both simpler and more secure than Solidity.

If you're already a developer with no particular Web3 skills, you should know that the C++ language, with which you're probably familiar, is used on Bitcoin, Litecoin and EOS. This makes it much easier to learn than Solidity or Vyper, especially if you're already specialized in C++. JavaScript developers will also be able to code decentralized applications on Ethereum.

If you want to go even further, there are two languages based on two protocols:

  • Rust on Polkadot,
  • Go to Hyperledger.

In short, computer programming remains by far the most important key technical skill for working in Web3. While there are various programming languages for blockchain, not all of them can be used on all protocols. So you need to choose them in advance, according to your preferences.

Excelsior: training tailored to working with Web3


We know that working in Web3 requires a major learning curve, so far removed is this sector from anything we know. That's why you'll probably need some help to get through this stage.

At Excelsior, we've worked with hundreds of companies. Our goal is to help you make the transition from Web2 to Web3. We'll take you through everything we've covered in this article and tailor it to your needs.

Remember, the sooner you get started, the better prepared you'll be to enter Web3. Because neither Web3 nor anyone else is waiting for you!